Cristiano is also a painter and a designer, co-founder of Officina Alviti, a study of sculpture, painting and design.

Breathe and imagine being part of a creative studio: there you produce art, produce culture, design homes and squares. Every day a new idea and a new goal to reach. We talk about everything, we do everything. In it the childhood and freshness of daring, daring to dream to make others and themselves feel good has not been lost. There in the world is different. There, communication is different. There’s a conversation in there. When was the last time you approached a friend and spoke of “other” outside of a conversation dictated by the degree of confidence you had with your interlocutor? When is the last time you chatted with someone without following “scripts” dictated by everyday life? When was the last time you finished talking and you realized that you felt free, that you had forgotten the rest the rest after why I am caught up in a conversation now? Here, in that study we hardly ever speak of things that concern the close personal life. In there, there is no desire to waste time telling and describing situations that are “trivial or of life lived. Dreams dominate in there. It is a journey into imagination and to build a better world. Maybe then you can’t do it, but every time you are in there and you notice a problem, you can believe you have the solution. In there the “belief” that the world can change is still alive.